1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is inbetween. It's not really really straight and it doesn't go really pretty and curly (unless I curl it myself). It's a wavy, frizzy mess that looks like rat tails! :(
2. What is your natural hair colour?
My natural colour is dishwater blonde (dark blonde). I call it dishwater because I've never been happy with the colour and I've spent years dying it various colours. It's now back to natural now though.
3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
It totally depends on the colour I wanted to do it and how rich I was feeling at the time. If I was doing something really extreme, then I'd probably go to the salon but otherwise, I'd just dye it myself.
4. Do you wear the same style every day or do you change it?
I try to change my hair style every day. I only wash it every other day so one day its down and curly, or straight with a french plait somewhere or it's up in a messy/sleek bun/pony tail. Depends on my mood and how much effort I fancy making at 6am!
5. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do my own. I used to have gel extensions and get these topped up once every 3 weeks but that got way too expensive, even though my nails looked lovely. I like to change my nails every 2 to 3 days (though if I'm bored it's more every day) so I think now getting my nails done in a salon would just be a waste of money.
6. How often do you change your nail polish?
4. Do you wear the same style every day or do you change it?
I try to change my hair style every day. I only wash it every other day so one day its down and curly, or straight with a french plait somewhere or it's up in a messy/sleek bun/pony tail. Depends on my mood and how much effort I fancy making at 6am!
5. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do my own. I used to have gel extensions and get these topped up once every 3 weeks but that got way too expensive, even though my nails looked lovely. I like to change my nails every 2 to 3 days (though if I'm bored it's more every day) so I think now getting my nails done in a salon would just be a waste of money.
6. How often do you change your nail polish?
Every 2-3 days depending on the mood I'm in and how much time I've got. I try to keep nail art that has taken me forever to do on for at least two days but as soon as my polish chips, I need to get rid of the whole lot.
7. Do you polish your toes in winter or just in the summer?
Both, again depending completely on my mood. My toe nails only get done once a fortnight though in the summer and ever less in the winter.
8. How long does it take for you to put on your make-up?
10 minutes if I'm going to work, 15-20 if I'm going shopping or out for the day and a little bit longer if I'm going on a night out.
9. What do you do first, face or eyes?
I definitely do my face first. I find it easier to do my eyes once I know what base I've got to work with.
10. Do you collect make-up or just buy what you need when you need it?
I have really sensitive skin and it's taken me around 10 years to find a brand that doesn't damage my skin. I use Benefit and it's really expensive so I tend to only buy it when I've run out.
11. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never!!! They scare the life out of me and I'm lucky to have long eye lashes any way.
12. Do you do a full face of make-up every day?
Most days, yeah but I try to give myself at least one day a week off.
13. Do you wear make-up when you are home alone or with family?
14. Will you leave the house without make-up?
Yeah... I'm not that precious about it.
15. How many high-end products do you have?
How do you class high end? Most of my make-up is Benefit.
16. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you're getting dressed?
Unless I'm going to anything special I usually just throw on whatever I find in the morning.
17. How often do you change your handbag?
I like to have a new bag for each season but I splashed out on a Cath Kidston leather handbag last summer and I've kept that all year.
18. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
7. Do you polish your toes in winter or just in the summer?
Both, again depending completely on my mood. My toe nails only get done once a fortnight though in the summer and ever less in the winter.
8. How long does it take for you to put on your make-up?
10 minutes if I'm going to work, 15-20 if I'm going shopping or out for the day and a little bit longer if I'm going on a night out.
9. What do you do first, face or eyes?
I definitely do my face first. I find it easier to do my eyes once I know what base I've got to work with.
10. Do you collect make-up or just buy what you need when you need it?
I have really sensitive skin and it's taken me around 10 years to find a brand that doesn't damage my skin. I use Benefit and it's really expensive so I tend to only buy it when I've run out.
11. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never!!! They scare the life out of me and I'm lucky to have long eye lashes any way.
12. Do you do a full face of make-up every day?
Most days, yeah but I try to give myself at least one day a week off.
13. Do you wear make-up when you are home alone or with family?
14. Will you leave the house without make-up?
Yeah... I'm not that precious about it.
15. How many high-end products do you have?
How do you class high end? Most of my make-up is Benefit.
16. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you're getting dressed?
Unless I'm going to anything special I usually just throw on whatever I find in the morning.
17. How often do you change your handbag?
I like to have a new bag for each season but I splashed out on a Cath Kidston leather handbag last summer and I've kept that all year.
18. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
In the week I'm in bed by 10:30 and awake at 6am. If I'm on a shoot, this can be a hell of a lot earlier though I rarely go to bed earlier to compensate. On the weekends, if I can keep my eyes open then it's usually around 1am and up by 8/9 am.
19. Do you work out? How often?
I walk a lot. I used to do kettle bells but I'm not motivated enough to go every week. I'm supposed to so that I can get my body magic awards in Slimming World though.
20. Left-handed or right-handed?
I'm a right handed person.
21. How tall are you?
22. Do you speak a foreign language?
Nope - unfortunately. I really failed when I tried to learn French, Spanish and Welsh.
23. How many pets do you have?
None :(
24. How often are you on Blogger?
I check what's new at least once a day, usually once I'm home from work but if I get really bored in work, I'll log in and have a bit of a read.
25. Do you read comments on blogs?
Oh yes, I like commenting on people's blogs and I LOVE it when people comment on mine, I get very excited!! But I also love reading what people are saying on other people's blogs and using it to influence what I post about in the future.
26. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I keep on meaning to do this, but don't get around to it. I should, because I do see some beautiful colours that I know I would love but then forget about them. It would probably help me buy polishes more constructively!
27. How did you come up with your blog name?
I belong to a message board and my username is "Bob". When I was trying to think of a name someone on the boards suggested Naileymabob and I loved it!
28. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I have a Samsung Smart camera but I'm rubbish at using it. I should do, because I need to improve the quality of the pictures I post on my blog but I'm lazy and get rubbish lighting in my room.
29. How often do you clean your house?
I live with my parents so I don't have to do a lot of cleaning. But my room is tidy.
30. What is your favourite colour?
31. Do you swear?
Like a Trooper. My dad is an ex-marine and him and my mum were quite liberal with how much we swore and stuff. I don't think it's a big deal, they're just words at the end of the day!
32. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Not much really. I wanted to catch up on the following but Sky on Demand is paying up so I'll probably watch a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad while I paint my nails then read until I fall asleep.
Instead of nominating friends, I'm going to nominate blogs that I'd like to know a bit more about from my follower lists:
1. Mimi (Mimi Manicures)
2. Becca (Horcrux Nails)
3. Char (So You Beauty)
4. Kerrie (PishPosh and Polish)
19. Do you work out? How often?
I walk a lot. I used to do kettle bells but I'm not motivated enough to go every week. I'm supposed to so that I can get my body magic awards in Slimming World though.
20. Left-handed or right-handed?
I'm a right handed person.
21. How tall are you?
22. Do you speak a foreign language?
Nope - unfortunately. I really failed when I tried to learn French, Spanish and Welsh.
23. How many pets do you have?
None :(
24. How often are you on Blogger?
I check what's new at least once a day, usually once I'm home from work but if I get really bored in work, I'll log in and have a bit of a read.
25. Do you read comments on blogs?
Oh yes, I like commenting on people's blogs and I LOVE it when people comment on mine, I get very excited!! But I also love reading what people are saying on other people's blogs and using it to influence what I post about in the future.
26. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I keep on meaning to do this, but don't get around to it. I should, because I do see some beautiful colours that I know I would love but then forget about them. It would probably help me buy polishes more constructively!
27. How did you come up with your blog name?
I belong to a message board and my username is "Bob". When I was trying to think of a name someone on the boards suggested Naileymabob and I loved it!
28. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I have a Samsung Smart camera but I'm rubbish at using it. I should do, because I need to improve the quality of the pictures I post on my blog but I'm lazy and get rubbish lighting in my room.
29. How often do you clean your house?
I live with my parents so I don't have to do a lot of cleaning. But my room is tidy.
30. What is your favourite colour?
31. Do you swear?
Like a Trooper. My dad is an ex-marine and him and my mum were quite liberal with how much we swore and stuff. I don't think it's a big deal, they're just words at the end of the day!
32. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Not much really. I wanted to catch up on the following but Sky on Demand is paying up so I'll probably watch a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad while I paint my nails then read until I fall asleep.
Instead of nominating friends, I'm going to nominate blogs that I'd like to know a bit more about from my follower lists:
1. Mimi (Mimi Manicures)
2. Becca (Horcrux Nails)
3. Char (So You Beauty)
4. Kerrie (PishPosh and Polish)
Thanks for nominating me :D I'll be answering the questions soon xx